Kernel-build-reports March 2016
  • 14 participants
  • 538 discussions

mainline build: 287 warnings 1 failures (mainline/v4.5-9714-g53d2e69)
by Olof's autobuilder
8 years, 11 months

mainline boot: 59 passed 12 failed (mainline/v4.5-9714-g53d2e69)
by Olof's autobooter
8 years, 11 months

mainline build: 287 warnings 1 failures (mainline/v4.5-9635-gd407574)
by Olof's autobuilder
8 years, 11 months

mainline boot: 55 passed 11 failed (mainline/v4.5-9635-gd407574)
by Olof's autobooter
8 years, 11 months

next boot: 407 boots: 11 failed, 380 passed with 16 offline (next-20160321)
by bot
8 years, 11 months

mainline boot: 403 boots: 21 failed, 378 passed with 4 offline (v4.5-9542-g643ad15d4741)
by bot
8 years, 11 months

next build: 136 builds: 2 failed, 134 passed, 6 errors, 640 warnings (next-20160321)
by bot
8 years, 11 months

mainline build: 133 builds: 3 failed, 130 passed, 9 errors, 560 warnings (v4.5-9542-g643ad15d4741)
by bot
8 years, 11 months

next build: 314 warnings 0 failures (next/next-20160321)
by Olof's autobuilder
8 years, 12 months

next boot: 52 passed 13 failed (next/next-20160321)
by Olof's autobooter
8 years, 12 months
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