Kernel-build-reports September 2015
  • 10 participants
  • 513 discussions

master build: 1 failures 74 warnings (v4.3-rc1-116-g8e64a73)
by Build bot for Mark Brown
9 years, 5 months

mainline boot: 431 boots: 12 failed, 392 passed with 22 offline, 5 conflicts (v4.3-rc1-110-gd109c4bb4513)
by bot
9 years, 5 months

mainline build: 133 builds: 1 failed, 132 passed, 5 errors, 1054 warnings (v4.3-rc1-116-g8e64a7331702)
by bot
9 years, 5 months

mainline build: 133 builds: 1 failed, 132 passed, 5 errors, 1054 warnings (v4.3-rc1-110-gd109c4bb4513)
by bot
9 years, 5 months

master build: 1 failures 74 warnings (v4.3-rc1-110-gd109c4b)
by Build bot for Mark Brown
9 years, 5 months

mainline build: 429 warnings 1 failures (mainline/v4.3-rc1-116-g8e64a73)
by Olof's autobuilder
9 years, 5 months

mainline build: 429 warnings 1 failures (mainline/v4.3-rc1-110-gd109c4b)
by Olof's autobuilder
9 years, 5 months

tegra boot: 191 boots: 9 failed, 180 passed with 2 conflicts (v4.3-rc1-30-gd27eb50227d8)
by bot
9 years, 5 months

tegra build: 133 builds: 1 failed, 132 passed, 5 errors, 1054 warnings (v4.3-rc1-30-gd27eb50227d8)
by bot
9 years, 5 months

next boot: 406 boots: 52 failed, 338 passed with 5 offline, 11 conflicts (next-20150917)
by bot
9 years, 5 months
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