By popular demand, I started debugging this problem again.With the two patches that I posted earlier,the traces seem correct with the exception of a few "holes"where the trace seems to jump over a few instructions thatare not reported in the trace, creating jumps that do not existin the control flow graph of the code.The nested loop for bubble sort is:4008a0: 9100e3a0 add x0, x29, #0x384008a4: 52800004 mov w4, #0x0 // #04008a8: 29400402 ldp w2, w1, [x0]4008ac: 6b02003f cmp w1, w24008b0: 5400006a 4008bc <sort_array+0x84>4008b4: 52800024 mov w4, #0x1 // #14008b8: 29000801 stp w1, w2, [x0]4008bc: 91001000 add x0, x0, #0x44008c0: eb00007f cmp x3, x04008c4: 54ffff21 4008a8 <sort_array+0x70>4008c8: 35fffec4 cbnz w4, 4008a0 <sort_array+0x68>..... 34: 00000000004008b0 -> 00000000004008b4 0 cycles P 0..... 35: 00000000004008c4 -> 00000000004008a8 0 cycles P 0..... 36: 00000000004008b0 -> 00000000004008a8 0 cycles P 0edge #36 does not exist in the code: the trace is not correct here.4008b0 is " 4008bc" and should either jump to 4008bc orfall through to the next instruction 4008b4, and the trace wronglyjumps to 4008a8.Several hundred jumps later, we see this following sequence:..... 40: 00000000004008c4 -> 00000000004008a8 0 cycles P 0..... 41: 00000000004008b0 -> 00000000004008b4 0 cycles P 0..... 42: 00000000004008c4 -> 00000000004008b4 0 cycles P 0..... 43: 00000000004008c4 -> 00000000004008a8 0 cycles P 0where edge #42 is not correct either: 4008c4 should either branch to4008a8 or fall through to 4008c8.Maybe these inconsistencies are due to interruptions in trace recordings?I think that these interruptions could not be avoided in trace collections.Dehao, could these wrong edges be fixed in the compiler when readingthe coverage file?